3. COVID-19: The Basics
In this Episode: Elaine, John and Yannii are back with a very important topic. The world has changed as we know it. Our news headlines, our conversations, our thoughts are all centred around the one entity - that is COVID-19. We come prepared as best as we can with the latest information from the WHO, Australian government and other professionals. Disclaimer: We are not experts. In this trying time, we hope to bring some light into the situation and encourage you all to do your own research and stay safe! Our statistics and research are as accurate to the date of Wed 18/3/2020 at approximately 1:02pm. These are the resources mentioned in the podcast; WHO.int, ‘Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”’ by Harry Stevens in the Washington Post, OurWorldInData.Org for the Flatten the Curve graph, type in ‘Dr Michael J Ryan speech’ in google, and finally The Australian Government’s National coronavirus helpline is 1800 020 080. Be alert, but not anxious. Stay safe, stay golden and stay informed.
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3. COVID-19: The Basics